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The most important event of the year

The Northern Industry event will take place on 22-23 May 2024 at Ouluhalli in Oulu. Come and do business and increase your company’s reputation!

The largest industrial event in the north is aimed at all industry professionals in northern Finland. The event offers visitors a wide range of industry services, products and the latest information.

The trade fair is a truly social live media, where the entire industry gathers for a few intensive days under the same roof to meet each other and get to know the latest in the industry. Fair participation is an effective way to market various products and services.

The Northern Industry event gathers the strength of the north and is an event that should not be missed!

why participate?

9 reasons why your company should participate:

  1. You meet your customer face to face
  2. You get to make new contacts
  3. You get sales leads
  4. You can present your company’s new products
  5. You trade
  6. You get to meet the most important players in the field
  7. Your company has the opportunity to meet up to 4,000 visitors in two days
  8. You get to see what your competitors have to offer
  9. You will receive support from the fair team in the organization and marketing of the event

Key figures 2024

“Even though many things are handled online, nothing beats meeting between people.”

/ Jaakko Tennillä, Kunnossapitoyhdistys Promaint ry

Contact us!

We’ll help you succeed – get in touch, and we’ll find the most suitable way for you to participate in the fair!

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Make the arrangements for the event conveniently in our online service.